论文:Prompt Tuning for Generative Multimodal Pretrained Models

2023/03/16 Prompt Tuning Multimodal 共 2003 字,约 6 分钟


《Prompt Tuning for Generative Multimodal Pretrained Models》

  • URL:https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.02532

  • 单位:阿里达摩院

  • Code:https://github.com/OFA-Sys/OFA/blob/main/prompt_tuning.md

In this work, we explore prompt tuning for generative multimodal pretrained models. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that the light-weight prompt tuning can achieve comparable performance with finetuning with much fewer parameters to tune (e.g., 1%), and it can surpass other light-weight tuning methods, e.g., Adapter and BitFit.

Through our analysis, we figure out a significant advantage of prompt tuning about its robustness against adversarial attack. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive analysis about the influence of prompt tuning setups, including the prompt length, prompt depth, and reparameterization. Potentially prompt tuning can be an alternative to finetuning, but still, there are some salient limitations in this method, e.g., slow convergence and training instabilities. We hope that future studies in this field can alleviate the aforementioned problems and thus promote the application of prompt tuning.


Prompt Tuning OFA Model 的整体结构

The cross-attention is essentially multi-head attention, where the keys \(K\) and values \(V\) are the transformation of the encoder output states, instead of the inputs.

这里默认使用的是 prefix-tuning 的方式,将 prompt 插入到 prefix。其他的插入方式 middle、end 效果差不多,因此,作者这里就直接使用了 prefix-tuning。


1)与 Finetuning 进行比较

2)与其他 efficient tuning methods 进行比较




Prompt Length 的影响

使用了 \(\{10, 16, 30, 64, 100, 120\}\) 这几种不长度的 prompt 序列。

论文默认使用的 Prompt Length = 64(最佳性能)

Prompt Length 的消融实验-1

Prompt Length 的消融实验-2

Prompt Depth 的影响

将 Prompt 插入到三个不同的位置,包括:Encoder-Only、Decoder-Only 以及 Encoder-Decoder。

Prompt Depth 的消融实验

Reparameterization 的影响

根据经验,直接更新可训练嵌入 会导致 不稳定的训练性能的轻微下降。之前的工作通常利用编码器(例如 MLP)来重新参数化可训练的嵌入


尽管 Prompt Tuning 有很多的优点,但是仍然无法完全替代 Fine-Tuning。主要的局限性包括:

  • 收敛速度慢(slow convergence)

    • 需要 更多的 epochs,才能达到 Fine-Tuning 同等的性能

    • 虽然 Prompt-Tuning 的训练效率高,但是 更多的训练 epochs 也可能导致更多的计算成本

    • 这也表明:除了达到与 Fine-Tuning 相当甚至改进的性能外,能够快速、稳定收敛的方法也很重要(速度与稳定之间的 trade-off)

  • 难以找到合适的超参数设置(suitable hyperparameter setup)

Despite the aforementioned limitations, prompt tuning demonstrates significantly better robustness against adversarial attack.

尽管存在上述局限性,prompt tuning 能够 更好的防御对抗攻击,提高模型的鲁棒性。





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